couscous stuffed peppers with curry - veggie recipe

Culture. Eat it

20 January 2017



by Kristel Cescotto

Fried Green Tomatoes, not today! Today peppers stuffed vegnam-style  (Gangnam style by Psy, do you know?! If you have to explain a joke maybe it’s time to ask youself some questions about your level of congeniality).

I hope to bounce back from this bad opening words – I could not really spare you – at the exact moment when you’ll try the recipe and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Thank God these couscous stuffed peppers with curry are so fragrant to make you momentarily lose the memory, their fragrance will permeate your nostrils until it reaches the brain and conquer, revitalizing it, even the 80% that we can’t use. Like in that movie, Limitless .

In the end, says Hassan in The Hundred-Foot Journey – a film that I suggest as a dessert after these stuffed peppers

Food is memories.

The memory of feeling at home.
To try and find your own home.
Not the brick and tiles house. I’m talking about Home.
Home where there’s just love, where you lay on the sofa and you already know which scent the blanket will smell, where return is not only a pleasure but a vital impulse, home with slow breakfast and happiness on Saturday at 10 p.m. Home where come back because you already know there’s someone who knows how to wait.
Home, the house with a soul.
The one that, even if we were not born in, to looking for it, to find it, to come back that’d be enough a food. His scent and his memory.

The great thing is that this recipe has many beautiful things and does all of abovementioned 1), feading you in an healthy way; 2) tikle your palate; 3) scenting home like a “tandoori” home  – then , when the Bolliwood excitement goes away, a couple of Vanilla Yankee Candle solve everything, yes, even the curry and onion; 4) not contributing to your body fat. Having established this, enjoy the couscous stuffed peppers with curry recipe!


INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
  • 200 gr of whole wheat couscous
  • 4 small peppers
  • 200 gr of green peas
  • 40 gr of red onion
  • Half a leek
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 small eggplant
  • 4 tablespoons of greek yogurt
  • The zest of an organic lemon
  • Fresh thyme, chives, basil, oregano leaves
  • Paprika, turmeric and curry q.s.
  • Extra virgin olive oil, salt q.s.
  • Breadcrumbs and grated Grana to taste

Matching soundtrack: Life is a song, Patrick Park

Peperoni ripieni cous cous


  1. Lava i peperoni, taglia la parte superiore (non buttarla, ti servirà come “coperchio” per il peperone ripieno) ed estrai i semi interni. Cuoci a vapore per 15 minuti.
  2. In un wok fai imbiondire la cipolla tagliata finemente con un filo d’olio; aggiungi le verdure tagliate a piccoli dadini, sala e fai saltare fino a che non saranno cotte ma ancora croccanti. Dovrai ottenere una brunoise di verdura (se non sai cosa significa chiedi a Bruno Barbieri. O a Google.)
  3. In una boule condisci il cous cous ancora crudo con dell’olio evo, versaci dell’acqua bollente leggermente salata (200 ml per 200 gr), copri con un coperchio e fai riposare per 10 minuti.
  4. Nel mentre, prepara la salsa con cui condirai il cous cous alle verdure. In una ciotolina mescola assieme: lo yogurt, gli odori freschi sminuzzati, le spezie, la scorza di limone, un pizzico di sale e un filo d’olio evo.
  5. Ora puoi saltare il cous cous nel wok assieme alle verdure fino a far amalgamare tutti i sapori. Spegni il fuoco, aggiungi la salsa allo yogurt e mescola bene. Si sprigionerà subito un mix di aromi speziale spaziale.
  6. Non ti resta che riempire i peperoni con il cous cous saltato, adagiarli in una teglia rivestita di carta forno e, a piacere, finire con una spolverata di pan grattato, Grana grattugiato e un filo d’olio evo.
  7. Cuoci in forno preriscaldato a 180° per 20 minuti.

Peperoni ripieni con cous cous

Peperoni ripieni con cous cous

Ph. Sara Cartelli
© The Eat Culture


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Kristel Cescotto

Omnia vincit amor

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Kristel Cescotto


Once upon a time there was a 30 years old girl, and she has not the slightest idea what it would be at 32: one, no one but for sure no one hundred thousand. Daughter, sister, friend, mom of a dog, woman of an amazing man. Thinker fulltime, practices the Universal Love. Always looking for which direction take to and who to be doing it. Thank God everything flows. Panta Rei. And in the end, as in a beautiful garden Bahai, she will be delighted by lighting… and she lived happily ever after.

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