Culture. Eat it

1 December 2015



by Ramona Lucarelli

Panem is a nation founded after the collapse of the United States of America. Twelve are the districts that make up and revolve around Capitol City, the center of power. Twenty four young “tributes”, a boy and a girl drawn in each district, every year are forced to face each other in the arena until there is only one survivor. “Let the Hunger Games begin!”.

The Hunger Games is a reality show in which violence entertains an audience bored in his everyday life wealthy, which enhances the face of violence that has to lead to death but remember, not so covertly, that power is held by Capitol City in the person of despotic President Snow. The massacre of young lives is sparkled by the show organized to remind districts that Panem doesn’t’ forget their revolt; by sponsors who take to heart the most deserving, making them gifts, but where merit seems to be proportional to the expectations of who will devote their ruthlessness during the games. Violence and pain as entertainment. Nothing new if you think the gladiators of ancient Rome. Here comes the day of the “harvest” and the sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen, a modern Theseus, offers herself as food to a company-minotaur in place of her younger sister for the twelfth district, the poorest of all. She’s the girl of burning flesh – I would add – because with her humanity she is able to preserve herself in this game in the massacre and she has become the heroine of people, a symbol of hope of a new great revolt.

You can dream of an imaginary company’s future highly undesirable, a “dystopia” (for those who likes to learn every day a new word), to live is frightening and unbearable? Suzanne Collins has succeeded in her The Hunger Games trilogy (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay). We hope that idea is overtaken by reality.



Time of reading: full immersione of one week for trilogy

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Hunger Games_3

Photography: Sara Cartelli.
© The Eat Culture.


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Ramona Lucarelli

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Ramona Lucarelli


She is an art historian, optimistic and empathic by nature. She imagines a world where sow kindness enjoying the little things. She's in love with stories since she was a child, for the Eat Culture she eats books and arts. Per aspera ad astra says the only tattoo on her skin. It reminds her that the road that leads to her dreams is not always easy but that she never gives up.

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