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16 October 2017


The book on the nightstand: Eat, Pray, Love

by Ramona Lucarelli

The introduction? She, Elizabeth, has got everything she could even want: she’s attractive, has a career as a writer, she has a fabulous home and an husband.

What’s her story? Where is it located? In the novel by Elizabeth Gilbert:


The autobiography of the writer is a physical journey through Italy, India and Indonesia, and also an interior one, in which Liz tries to understand the reason why she does not feel contented, not feel happy.

Moving and stopping seem to be two sides of the same coin called change.

That’s right, because one day Liz feels that she does not want anything she has.

What would any of us have done in her shoes?

I do not often wonder about what or where happiness is.

As a child, I think I have lived what some might call an happy childhood.

Only with my teenage years, struggling with love, I realized how much I could be unhappy falling in love with the wrong person.

Since then, happiness has crossed me, jumping in places that have become my dearest ones; happiness impersonated me at times, through the people I would let to make me happy or unhappy.

In short, happiness always had to do with something or someone.

Everything changed when I realized I could choose who attend, leave, listen, embrace, who weep for or smile.

I could be myself to take the reins of my happiness. In short, my trip was mental.

Liz, instead, to seek out her own happiness decides to leave America, her work and her family.

Eat the delicacies of the “Bel Paese”, Italy.

Pray, in India, looking for a new interior dimension in which listen herself.

Love, in Indonesia, and to do so she starts by loving herself, learning how to donate to others.

The ancients claimed that traveling was not a way to feel really different:

Why do you wonder that globetrotting does not help you, seeing that you always take yourself with you? The reason that set you wandering is ever at your heels.

I quote Socrates.

This reading don’t convince me, in case you haven’t noticed, but this is not my autobiography, it is the Elizabeth Gilbert pursuit of happiness.

Reading time
Eat, pray, love and read

Mangia, prega, ama

Ph. Sara Cartelli
© The Eat Culture


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Ramona Lucarelli

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Ramona Lucarelli


She is an art historian, optimistic and empathic by nature. She imagines a world where sow kindness enjoying the little things. She's in love with stories since she was a child, for the Eat Culture she eats books and arts. Per aspera ad astra says the only tattoo on her skin. It reminds her that the road that leads to her dreams is not always easy but that she never gives up.

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